Category: Cloud Migration

Top Findings: Digibee’s 2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report – Budget & Spend

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The 2023 data is in, and Digibee’s second annual annual State of Enterprise Integration survey, is out! We reached out to more than a thousand enterprise IT professionals – from web developers and system architects to CTOs and CIOs – across North America to understand today’s integration trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Now we’re diving into some of the key findings with a series of blog posts – this one focuses on IT budgets and the cost of integration.

Cloud Migration Checklist: Transition to the Cloud in 6 Simple Steps

Cloud migration is becoming more and more common – and increasingly complex. While most organizations have moved at least some of their digital assets to the cloud, cloud migration strategies remain prone to disruptions and delays.

But failure is not inevitable. A carefully developed cloud migration roadmap can help you remove roadblocks and avoid common pitfalls. Follow this simple cloud migration checklist to ensure you have everything you need in place for a smooth transition.

Digibee 2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report: The stories behind the data

Our second annual survey of the enterprise integration market was published today, unveiling some intriguing insights and generating plenty of discussion. 

In reviewing the survey results, I was struck by one constant. Most organizations now consider integration to be a core requirement for their digital transformation initiatives. In fact, coupled with cloud migration (a critical enabler in most modernization projects), digital transformation is the top integration objective in the survey, with almost 30% of respondents ranking it number one.

This is an amazing result, especially when you consider that just a few short years ago, the majority of enterprises were still on the fence about implementing iPaaS technology.

What is Cloud-to-Cloud Migration (and Why Should You Care)?

Cloud-to-cloud migration is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the process of moving digital assets (data, applications, etc.) from one cloud environment to another. 

You’ve probably read more articles than you’d like to admit about the how, why, and when of moving your systems, data, and applications to the cloud. But cloud-to-cloud migration? Try finding information on that, and your searches will probably yield a lot fewer results.

Cloud Migration: Why It’s More Important Than Ever and How to Get it Right

Cloud migration isn’t a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Cloud-based services have become so ubiquitous that we use them multiple times a day without a second thought. But despite the universal nature of cloud computing, what is changing is its importance in the business world.

No longer a “nice to have,” embracing cloud has become vital to enterprises’ growth, success, and ability to compete, as digital natives – companies that have never existed anywhere but the cloud – emerge and leverage new technologies and business models to disrupt the status quo.

Even though most organizations already use cloud technologies in some form, it’s still crucial to weigh the benefits of cloud migration against the risks and challenges it poses to your operations.

Why Digital Transformation is Important and How to Make it Happen

Once dismissed as a meaningless buzzword among tech circles, digital transformation has become a high priority for organizations of all sizes, across all verticals. 

The importance of adapting often-siloed legacy systems to communicate with new technologies and tools became painfully clear amid pandemic shutdowns, and the new reality of hybrid work models and digital-first business has forced even those most resistant to change to acknowledge its value.

But what is digital transformation, really?

Press Fast-Forward: How to Reduce Time to Market with Digibee’s iPaaS

There are many financial benefits to enterprise integration and employing Digibee’s enterprise iPaaS, such as the cost saving of being able to use more junior developers, but beyond that there are also sizable financial gains to be made through speed, namely the benefits of a faster time to revenue through a faster product release cycle.

A recently-conducted Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of Digibee Report provided an opportunity for a third-party assessment that systematically explored the outcomes of partnering with Digibee for enterprise Integration. Using a composite organization modeled on the characteristics of interviewees’ organizations, this TEI report attributed +$1.3M of the +$5.9M total benefits Present Value (PV) to allowing a faster time to market for new products and services – that’s over one-fifth of total monetary benefits!

Retail Digital Transformation in 2023: Loud and in the Cloud

The cloud, combined with digital technologies, has reinvented how retailers connect with and serve their customers. Once the domain of megastores and e-commerce platforms with the budget and resources to support on-premises infrastructure, today the cloud is unlocking digital customer experiences for retailers of all shapes and sizes. 

And merchants are loving it, able to create personalized and curated experiences across multiple channels while driving up conversion rates and average order value (AOV). But it wasn’t always like this.