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4 Ways Johnson Brothers Praises Digibee Partnership

Johnson Brothers (JB), the 4th largest wholesaler and 3rd largest wine distributor in the US, manages over 27,000 unique alcohol products, each subject to different regulations, pricing structures, and distribution rules. JB partnered with Digibee and leveraged our cutting-edge technology to successfully tackle their integration challenges.

2024 Digibee Preview: The developer’s choice for enterprise integrations

In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, trends come and go. From the Y2K frenzy to the buzzword bonanza of big data, cloud computing and microservices, tech vendors often find themselves riding the same bandwagon, whether the solutions truly warrant the enthusiasm or not. Today, the wave we’re all surfing is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seems like everyone has an AI marketing message, but how many are releasing features that genuinely deliver real value?

Finding the Future of Integration at Forrester Technology & Data Strategy in Austin TX

The Forrester Technology and Data Strategy event in Austin TX occurred earlier this month. Our team was especially pleased to attend and co-present with Alec Irwin, lead integration developer at Johnson Brothers, a prominent wine, beer, and spirits distributor in the US.

Digibee has partnered with Johnson Brothers on a significant enterprise integration implementation, helping the company transition from its on-premises solution (in place for six years) to Digibee’s born in the cloud iPaaS.

The work is particularly exciting in that we’ve achieved such impressive results. For example, modernizing six years of on-premises integrations to Digibee’s iPaaS in less than six months. Plus, the implementation was 70% faster versus upgrading to the new version of the legacy product.


5 (+1) Reasons to Choose Digibee Over a Traditional iPaaS

Integration has become an essential component for businesses to achieve their strategic goals. But, not all integration solutions are the same. Digibee’s innovative iPaaS solution offers essential benefits that traditional integration providers can’t match. Check out this infographic highlighting six ways leveraging Digibee’s platform can support your digital transformation strategy – saving you time, money, resources, and frustration.